ATEX ATEX2GD Zone 1 & 21
Our range of Hazardous Area Weighing systems are designed for use in ATEX Zone 1, 21 & 2,22 explosive areas. Supplied complete with all necessary ancillaries and certification.
DFW “ATEX2GD” Weight Indicator for ATEX 1 & 21 Zones
The DFW “ATEX2GD”: ATEX Weight Indicator can be used in ATEX 1 & 21 ZONES classified as hazardous with protection methods according to:
ATEX II 2(2)G Ex ib [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb for gases,
ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T197°C IP65 Db for dust.
Ideal for creating weighing systems, batching, and automation systems. EC-Type-Examination certificate according to Annex III (ATEX directive).
Main Features
- Waterproof 17-key numerical and functional keyboard.
- LCD display with 6 25-mm high contrast digits, clearly visible even in poor lighting conditions and with low temperatures, and with 6 LEDs for showing the active functions.
- IP68 Satin finish stainless steel case.
- Dimensions 264x174x115mm.
- Suitable for use on the table, or wall.
- Up to 10.000e or multirange 3 x 3000e @ 0,3 µV/e in CE-M approved version for legal for trade use.
- Up to 1.000.000 displayable divisions with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
- Up to 8 signal linearization points with DINITOOLS (3 from keypad).
- A/D 24-bit sigma-delta conversion, up to 200 conv./sec. autoselect.
- Digital calibration and set-up from keyboard; Instrument management & configuration from PC with DINITOOLS.
- Power supply through external module: with optional battery pack; or with optional power adapter connectable to mains at 230 Vac or at 24 Vdc.
- Connection with up to 4 load cells having 350 Ohm input resistance.

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