Baykon Checkweigher Bench Scale large image
Baykon Checkweigher Bench Scale large image
Baykon Checkweigher Bench Scale thumbnail
Baykon Checkweigher Bench Scale thumbnail

Baykon Checkweigher Bench Scale

The Baykon BX24 Checkweigher can be used in general weighing applications or for Food Portioning, with its IP67 protection and Colour changing display makes it a simple and reliable indicator for the food industry. Operates in Takeaway or Standard Check weighing modes giving flexibility to your operation.

The BX24 is the ultimate weight display with multiple operational modes, a robust IP67 stainless steel housing and importantly, a highly affordable price.


  • OIML Approved for Single Range, Multi Range or Multi-Interval
  • Powerful setup and diagnostic features  with live mV readings, peak loads, history, logs, built in hardware tests etc
  • eCal for calibration with or without weights
  • IP67 stainless steel housing with alphanumeric keypad
  • Colour changing display for checkweighing and Bargraph for tracking gross weight
  • Multi operation modes including Checkweighing, Filling, Labelling Totalising, Counting, Livestock / In-motion
  • 2 alphanumeric IDs  with 500 item memory and preset tares
  • 2 x RS232/ RS485 and 1 USB port as standard
  • Analogue Output (0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V or 0-10V) (Optional)
    Time and Date
  • Free PC Software for easy Setup, Calibration and Label Design
    Load labels forms from standard printer design software with 1 click
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